
Throughout the last decades, the School, along with the nearby Warsaw University, developed a unique and advanced mathematics program. The classes following this curriculum are known as matex (mathematics-experimental). While most subjects are the same as in the standard classes, mathematics is basically on another level. There are numerous differences between the regular mathematics program and the one used in matex.
The first and most important difference is that mathematics as a subject simply does not exist - instead it is replaced by three separate subjects: mathematical analysis, geometry and probability theory. Those subjects are not taught by regular teachers either, but by university lecturers. Another important difference is that the lessons themselves are not oriented towards the matura exam, but towards the Mathematical Olympiad, and thus are on olympic or even academic level. Thanks to that, most of matex students are either finalists or laureates of said olympiad and continue their educational career on either mathematic or scientific courses.

The matex students are extraordinarily good mathematicians, for whom mathematics is not only a school subject, but a passion as well. This unique attitude is the most clear in everyday talks, where instead of doing maths exercises, the students gather to do Zadanka (a term of endearment for tasks in Polish).